About Us
Our leadership team is committed to creating sustained health, happiness, and high performance.

Dr. Don Zhang
R1, Healthcare
A doctor of Oriental Medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Zhang is the founder of several diagnosis and treatment methods, as well as the founder of Intended Evolution Theory and the Intended Evolution Theory Fitness Practice. He is the lead author of Intended Evolution and the newly released Healthspan: A Functional Guide to Living Long and Dying Young.

Mark de L. Thompson
Founder, R1
Mark is what many today would call a Flow Hacker of individual and organizational performance. He has been a strategist at the Boston Consulting Group, an executive at leading corporations including Microsoft as well as CEO of a Carlyle Group portfolio company. As Chief Marketing officer for the Danish national telecom, Mark was one of a team of a dozen expats who turned a $4 billion stake into $10 billion. Heralded as one of the top 15 direct marketers in North America, Mark successfully lead Dell’s small and medium business unit to a doubling of share while reducing marketing cost per unit sold by 50%. As such he has some understanding of what high achieving organizational performance looks like.
Mark, a resilience enthusiast and taji (tai chi) instructor since 1983, has been on the trail of what the Chinese call Wu-wei or “effortless effort” and embodied cognition for 35 years. He is one of a handful of senior students who have trained with internationally recognized Dr. Zhang for more than 20 years in Qi Gong. Mark now seeks to share these keys to health, happiness and sustained high performance with a broader audience.
Mark brings more than 35 years of study with Zheng Manqing senior students in Taiwan and America. Zheng Manqing is widely considered to be the fountainhead of tai chi in the west.

Sifu Adam Mizner
Founder of Heaven Man Earth
Shifu Adam Mizner has a solid and fast growing international reputation as a luminary in internal practices, Sifu Adam Mizner has devoted his life to practice and teaching internal martial arts and meditation (as taught in Theravada Buddhism). He gives seminars in Australia, Asia, North America and Europe. Adam Mizner has intensively trained in Taijiquan with a number of masters of the Huang Sheng Shyan Line and the Yang Shao Hou Line and transfers these systems directly as teachers of the 7th generation of the Yang style Taijiquan.
For those that are unable to attend regular classes, Sifu Mizner has developed a very successful and comprehensive online training course, Discover Taiji.

Julie Hutchinson
R1 Faculty, Coherence Consultant and Expert
Drawing on more than two decades of high-performance sales success, a decade studying resilience and emotional well-being, and her insights as a certified HeartMath trainer, Julie Hutchinson uses a data-backed, three-tier training method to increase performance while minimizing burnout.

Dr. Ann Shippy, M.D.
R1, Healthcare
Certified in both Internal Medicine and Functional Medicine, Dr. Shippy is a doctor, scientist and engineer who focuses on leading-edge research to improve individual health. She is the author of Shippy Paleo Essentials and Mold Toxicity Workbook, as well as the founder of the Good Food Matterz Foundation and the Toxicity Matters Foundation.