Golden Shield Qi Gong
Temple-style qi gong for health and longevity
Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong is a potent temple style of qi gong, a true internal energy practice.
The techniques taught in this practice are the same techniques which have been practiced by the masters of this system for hundreds and hundreds of years. It is just within the last 25 years that the general public has been given the opportunity to do this extraordinary practice. Now thousands have done Golden Shield.
As a student in Golden Shield you’ll learn how to access a very potent form of nature energy (qi) and then bring that energy inside you. You’ll also learn how to take this energy and apply it to specific techniques that are extremely effective at building super health and ageless longevity.
Life requires energy to not only maintain itself, but for all functions. Good health requires energy. If energy is low. good health is much harder to obtain. It’s very simple… the more energy you have, the more that is possible.
In this practice we believe growth occurs by challenging ourselves around what is possible.
The way we challenge ourselves is not by pushing our system to its limits, but by playfully cultivating, building and refining more qi (life force energy).
~ Evolve Beyond Normal Human Limits ~
Benefits of Golden Shield Qi Gong
Golden Shield Qi Gong training is a dynamic system that catalyzes the body’s innate ability to evolve. Each individual who embarks upon the training travels the same training journey. Yet the outcomes vary depending on the students strengths, weaknesses, and desires for growth. The following is a list of what most people gain from the training.

Increased Energy
Golden Shield enhances organ function, especially the digestive organs. Thus, more energy is produced for daily use.

Stress Management
The student’s energy system learns to adapt, grow and relax in response to life stresses rather than become overwhelmed and break down into disorder.

Through vibrating the areas of the body with physical stimulation, both emotional and physical toxins/stagnations are loosened and released from the body.

Golden Shield training cultivates a sense of focus and integration by bringing the mind into the body through physical training and meditation. By strengthening and rooting ones energy in the abdominal area students are able to maintain a feeling of being ‘centered’ even in the midst of life’s challenges.

Increased Self Confidence
During Golden Shield training students continually rise to and win against the challenges/stresses used to initiate growth. By constantly winning throughout the months of training one develops the “knowing” that they are powerful and capable individuals.
What Golden Shield practitioners have to say
enhanced mind-body refinement and strength
“As a lifelong teacher of dance and a yoga, I most highly recommend this practice of Golden Shield Qi Gong. It brings enhanced mind-body refinement and strength to the whole physiology. My 57 year old body feels stronger and healthier than ever, I’m impressed with the caliber of teachers. Their knowledge and compassion are evident in their dedication to their students.”
Pat Riker, Wimberley, TX
Bone density of a 22 year old
“I am an 82 year old woman who has completed four levels of Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong. I recently had my bone density tested. They said I have the bone density of a 22 year old!”
C. Persons, Austin, TX
Increased strength and vigor
“As a 56 year old male, with chronic essential hypertension and elevated cholesterol and triglycerides for at least twenty years. From the first week of practice I felt increased strength and vigor. In the last year I lost 25 pounds and my blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride readings decreased. I believe that this reversal is due in large part to my practice of Golden Shield Qi Gong.”
Walter F. Wiese, Fairfield, IA
conscious use of energy
“Over the last months, my father has been dying an agonizing death I have sat with him for the last week to ease his transition into death. This process has been very painful for me. I’ve had to do battle with the medical establishment every step of the way to get sufficient help for him. The last days of his life I was awake for 48 hours including a ten-hour drive to get back home. At no time in this process have I felt exhausted. I have been able to give energy to my father, my brother, and my stepmother with no appreciable energy deficit for me. At no time have I felt unbalanced by the stress. I returned to work without missing a beat. Golden Shield Qi Gong is what has made this work. I have been able to make conscious use of my energy throughout this process. Normally I would have been exhausted by this series of events.”
N.K., PhD, Austin, TX
great energy generation
“My acupuncturist has a machine which measures how much qi is distributed in the body. He could not believe how much energy was being generated from my abdominal region. Since I am in Golden Shield training, that makes sense.”
N. Chrampanis, Scottsdale, AZ
energy management for high stress situations
“As an Emergency Room nurse in a Midwest Regional Medical Center, I am exposed to high stress situations every day. Practicing Jingui Golden Shield has not only helped me become stronger physically, but, has taught me “energy management” so that my own energy can be preserved in difficult situations. I love the practice.”
Dan Lee, R.N. Fairfield, IA
zero pain along meridians
“Having completed the leg training class, I attended a Thai massage seminar. As the instructors moved their hands over my legs they exclaimed that they had never seen anyone before with zero pain along their meridians. When I explained about Jingui everyone was interested in beginning the training.”
J. Kulakowski, Chicago, IL
this is profound
For much of my adult life, I have explored and maintained various forms of energy practices including yoga, tai chi and meditation. With just 6 months of study… I experience Golden Shield learning as profound.”
Krystyna Jurzykowski, Glenrose,TX
life-altering experience
“Besides being a big boost to health, feeling energized, and overall well-being on the physical level, for me qigong has been a real life-altering experience.”
Caterina Xiroyanni, NYC
world of difference in physical recovery
“As Golden Brushes (Hands Training) has made a world of difference in my recovery from long standing tenosynouitus (RSI). Flare ups are fewer and farther between and recovery times are shorter. In my opinion, this system of Qi Gong has done for me what many other things I have tried have not: made full recovery possible. Thank you Jingui!“
Kirsty Barclay, Salt Spring Island, B.C.
perfect spacing of my discs and vertebrae
“My acupuncture points along the governor and conception vessels were so strong, my chiropractor wanted to know more about Golden Shield Qi Gong! I told him there are people in the class whose meridians are stronger than mine! Also, my full spinal x-ray was in his words was “Beautiful”; perfect spacing of the discs and vertebrae with hardly any degeneration. This is an improvement from 25 years ago when I had “early degeneration of the vertebrae”. Golden Shield Qi Gong Rocks!”
Sue Baugh, Chicago , IL
Pain lessened
“I have multiple sclerosis. I started taking Golden Shield Golden Shield about 3 years ago. My nerve pain is very much improved in my arms. I have tried many things since 1991 to get rid of this pain (acupuncture, nerve medications, pain killers) and nothing else helped. My fatigue problems due to the MS have also improved dramatically. My neuro doctor and I laugh because I have very rarely exhibited MS symptoms in the last 3 years.”
Barbara H., Chicago , IL
pain fell away
“Three years ago I had to stop my bodywork and my music because of tendonitis in both hands. In January of ’98 I began to practice Golden Shield Qi Gong. During practice my pain actually started to break apart and go away. I now use my hands more than ever. I work making metal light fixtures by hand punching designs with an awl, and I have returned to doing body work.”
Eddie Painter, Massage Therapist, Austin, TX
one of the best things I’ve ever encountered
“Having tried many different healing modalities for many years, this is one of the best things I’ve ever encountered.”
Kevin Brady, Addison, TX
Qi Gong has changed my life
“None of the other self improvement programs that I have tried have changed my fundamental energy level as much as Qi Gong. My energy level and physical stamina have changed to such an extent that I know that it is only a matter of time before I reach the fantastic levels of potential that the human mind and body are capable.
For those who have searched for the techniques to unlock the potential that we all know we are born with but have not been able to achieve, please look into the Qi Gong programs. The organization makes no such promises, but for those who follow through with the practice, the results are there.”
Chip Hoyt, Austin TX
The training has benefited me in myriad ways
“I practiced Yang style Tai Chi 18 years before beginning Golden Shield. While the two practices are entirely compatible, and many consider Tai Chi one of China’s greatest cultural treasures, Golden Shield offers a turbo-charged method of development. In Golden Shield, one systematically trains a section of the body for months before moving on to another part. The result is faster, more thorough development. Within two years of practicing Golden Shield Qi Gong, I was feeling Chi more powerfully and in places I never had before. I have injured my right hand multiple times over the years. The Golden Brushes or Qi Gong hands training technique knit my hand back together and remedied a persistent weakness that other approaches had failed to address. The training has benefited me in myriad ways including no small improvement in my sex life. But best of all, is the mental aspect. The techniques one learns provide many tools for greater control of one’s physical, mental and energetic states. More than that the teaching fundamentally changes one in such a way that less management is necessary. Certain qualities become inherent. For me, the most dramatic experience of this is in times of stress and endurance. I used to “hit the wall” on occasion and drop into a mental pit of exhaustion and anxiety. I recently noticed that is much rarer these days even though the external stressors in my life have hardly been reduced. To the contrary, they have increased but my internal resiliency, mental buoyancy and stamina are just that much greater. That is a wonderful thing.”
Mark Thompson, Austin, TX
I've been happier and able to deal with situations better
I’ve been happier and able to deal with situations better since I started Qi Gong. My energy has increased. In addition, I burned my fingers recently on an oven and what would have normally been a 3rd degree burn did not turn out to be a burn at all.”
Rebecca Leo, Austin, TX
Are you ready to build a golden shield around your body?
The Story of Golden Shield
Golden Shield is an ancient practice which traces back to the Ermei Mountain range 500 years ago in China. It is a unique blend of Taoist and Buddhist practice. As such it is considered by many to be a masterful blend of the hard and the soft.
Dr. Donzhun Zhang learned Golden Shield from his tai chi master Yang in China. Master Yang was not of Yang tai chi family fame but he was a general in the army. Having lead successful hand to hand incursions against the Japanese bayonets during the Sino-Japanese war, he was one of the top 100 named tai chi masters in communist China.
Dr. Zhang studied tai chi with Master Yang for many years in the park before being admitted as an inner door disciple into the practice of Golden Shield. Prior to Master Yang’s generation, each teacher was only to pass on the art to three disciples. Master Yang was granted permission to share more widely. When Dr. Zhang came along, Master Yang had already taken 17 disciples and “closed the door”. But he reopened it because in Dr. Zhang he saw medicine and something new, science.
Taoism has always been about three archetypes: the Healer, the Warrior and the Sage. But until now it has not been about science. Jingui Golden Shield is what you get when you mix Taoism and science.
Jingui Golden Shield
Dr Zhang’s unique flavor of this rare temple-style qi gong is focused on health and longevity. As such, it takes advantage of ancient principles for creating resilience at the cellular level with all of the cells in the body.
Internal development can be accelerated by focusing it in specific locations and on specific organs for a given period of time. In this way, one can increase function and therefore overall system energy faster than by only pursuing general developmental practices like tai chi. As mentioned above, the Taoists traditionally applied this energy to three things: fighting, healing and spiritual breakthrough. But Dr. Zhang assures the energy we develop in Golden Shield practice is jet fuel for whatever choose in our own lives.
A Complete System of Transformation for the Entire Mind and Body
Creates integration of mind, body and qi. Over the course of the entire program literally offers targeted exercise and transformation for every cell and system of the body.
A complete transformation system that includes four elements:
- Intention
- Visualizations and meditations
- Specific integrated challenge in focused location, duration and intensity
- Herbal support